CaNDak, (Cycling around North Dakota) is a group of high school coaches, teachers, administrators and volunteers that make possible an exciting and adventurous bicycle tour in the state of North Dakota.
Garrison To Pick City – Spoke Ride 1 – 59mi.
Our first ride will begin from the camp in Garrison and lead you to Pick City. We’ll cross the Missouri River to Coleharbor where we’ll turn Southwest headed for the scenic Garrison Dam area. We’ll return to Garrison along the same route we followed to Pick City. We’ll over night in Garrison again so your tents and luggage will be already set up and ready for you when you come in from the ride.
Garrison To Lake Audubon – Spoke Ride 2 – 45mi.
We’ll wake up Monday morning with another spoke ride heading East to the Audubon lake area with a half-way point rest area serving lunch and shade. After you’re refreshed and refueled you’ll head back to Garrison along the same scenic route.
Garrison To Burlington – Day 3 – 62mi.
Tuesday morning we’ll pack up our tents and luggage and head North towards Burlington where we’ll spend our over night at the Burlington Sports Complex. We’ll be right next to the confluence of the DesLacs River and the Souris River and close to city’s main street.
Burlington To Kenmare – Day 4 – 44mi.
Wednesday we’re off to the Northwest along highway 52 headed to Kenmare. Kenmare is settled along the Middle Des Lacs Lake on the West side of Highway 52. It’s home to the yearly Goosefest and a welcoming community for cyclists. Camping will be on the Danish Mill Park grounds.
Kenmare To Stanley – Day 5 – 42mi.
Our next leg on Thursday takes us to the city of Stanley. Leaving Kenmare we’ll go Northwest on Co Rd. 2/16 to Highway 8 going South to Kenmare. We’ll over night at the Sauber Sports Complex on the Northwest side of Stanley.
Stanley To White Shield – Day 6 – 76mi.
Friday is our longest route taking us back North and East along the old highway 2 and around Palermo to head South to White Shield. When we arrive our over night location will be at the White Shield Celebration Grounds just off the highway to the North.
White Shield To Garrison – Day 7 – 36mi.
Our final leg of the tour will take us back to the Garrison city park. There will be two options for this leg. If you want to cut off some miles you can skip the turn North towards Roseglenn and continue East towards Garrison or you can add some miles and turn North on Highway 7 and take the long route.